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OPOSSUM design

Heike Sinnig

Weitisberga 63 / 73

D- 07343 Wurzbach


Tel. +49 (0) 36652 2001-0

Email: info (at)

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VAT identification number: DE 812650317

ZSVR no. DE2108150867409

Responsible for content according to 6 MDStV:

Uwe Sinnig


2010 OPOSSUM design, Weitisberga / Germany. All rights reserved. The contents of this website are the property of OPOSSUM design

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EU online arbitration board

(EU Commission online platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution):


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(c) OPOSSUM design 2010 All rights reserved: Articles, photos and texts are protected by copyright. Manufacturers and distributors of plagiarism, imitations and other copies will be prosecuted.

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